When will dresses with sleeves return? And when will the day come when I turn on the tv or look at a magazine and read an article about women's fashion only to not be greeted with image upon image of rail thin nearly naked and hairless freaking women?

It's like looking at a hairless Manx cat.

It is not natural.

All those celebutarts who are famous just because they are famous need to get real jobs, learn to eat, and put on some freaking clothing. I do not need to see anyone else's vagina plastered across a website. Yes, you can see for free nearly any two bit celebrity's vagina (Lilo, Jlo, BritBrat, LilyAllen, AmyWino, etc) on the internet after a bit of Googling. In fact, clothing is sexy. More is better. I do not need to see your breasts, or your ass, and the whole world does not need to know about your cellulite - abundant or otherwise. And we certainly don't need the details of your latest catfight or notch on your bedpost. Enough already.

And while I'm here :-)

Getting drunk and falling out of your car is not sexy. Getting soooo drunk that you pass out in the toilet is not sexy. Going to rehab is not a career move.


Anonymous said...

My brother recently fell asleep on a bar stool. He fell off and broke his collar bone. Heh. Ya gotta laugh.

Princess Fred said...

Hey - email me if you're around. I'm still doing terrible, but getting better. Mind was working OT, so I put together a profile and want you to "proof".

Meg Kelso said...

Going to rehab is not a career move.

LOLOLOL...neither is going on a diet but we get to watch them do that too!


Eliza Doolittle said...

I had a friend pass out in the toilet, only to later crawl into the tub.

How do people get *that* drunk?