Neuter Tom Cruise

Oh, what to say, what to do.

There's so much going on in the world, and of COURSE I have an opinion, but....well, not enough hours in the day...so the short version:

Local: So some guy made a tshirt that has Obama looking like Curious George. BFD. Next!

Local (repeat): The hospital worker who processed and then stole and pawned the wife and mothers ring's for a few bucks. I certainly hope your mother is proud of you. I think we should cut off a hand as punishment.

Random Thought: Someone neuter Tom Cruise before he breeds again. I feel sorry for Katie Holmes. Everytime I see her she looks like a deer trapped in the headlights.

Ah, last week's Roswell Beacon. I like the Beacon. It's a weird paper, and it talks about Roswell and Alpharetta, and publishes arrest reports for drugs and DUI and people doing weird things like fighting naked in the streets that make Roswell seem like something out of a cut scene in "Leaving Las Vegas".

Except: last week they gave serious coverage to a group of people who have way too much time on their hands fantasizing about the chaos that will take over the land if *gasp* a man of colour is elected president. They meet in a secret location in the woods, with matching secret decoder rings, and secret handshakes (you need three more UPC symbols to qualify for the secret password and six more for the merit badge). They talk about, rather matter of factly, the Secret Service preparing for things like Obama's assassination if he is elected.

You know, people frighten me. It scares me that people would really shoot a man dead, a man elected by other people who bleed blood, who have the same organs, the same brains, the same bio chemical make up as you and me, the same organic make up as you and me, can seriously consider someone inferior based on the color of their skin. And he isn't a black man. He has a white mother! And why does it matter? It's still murder no matter what your justification is!

By giving these idiots a public voice, I think the Beacon gives them a legitimacy they should not have. In instances like these, I think freedom of the press is overrated. If you want to publish your opinion, pay to have a leaflet printed. Don't let a normally responsible free periodical push your bullshit agenda. Damn, if I was an advertiser, I'd yank my advertising!

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