So last night's dream was a bit weird. I was back in my first house, and somehow there was a vampire coven living there (and the backyard had a pool, and a bigger deck - how that's possible, I don't know). I had two children and had just given birth to a second boy when the vampires decided I was a force that had to be neutralized and tried to kill the baby first, and me second. Magically, I snatched the baby (and he was UGLY) and myself up and flew through the air, away away away.

And landed in some city that looked like what one would expect Old London or REALLY Old Paris to look like. Dirty and smelly. I landed in a mews, and stepped up to go to a pub that was larger on the inside than it could have logically been. I still had the baby (who had grown some, rather rapidly, and was no longer ugly) with me.

It gets foggy, as dreams do, but somehow I was running around looking for my other two children in this warren of oldness.

And I haven't read a vampire book in MONTHS

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