I don't normally dole out relationship advice, but Princess Fred and I were chatting and it put me in mind of a few "home truths" if you will.

So for people who have recently left, been booted out of, etc a relationship, here are my two cents:

1. You will never understand why the other person left you (unless there was a real, material cause...met someone else, moving to new city, etc). If someone looks at you across the dinner table and says "I'm not happy"...it's over. You will never be able to understand why...so it's time to accept things with grace and move on. Otherwise you end up spiraling down a black hole of self doubt and neglect.

2. It's never a good idea to ask one's ex "what went wrong". First, I doubt anyone will like the answer. Second, if your idea of what went wrong and the other person's idea are vastly different - you two will continue to fight about it until something else comes up to distract you.

3. You will never meet anyone sitting at home alone. Get your ass out of the house.

4. And don't try to bolster up your self esteem by asking the other person if they still want you. That invites a ginormous bitch slap...and you won't feel good either way.

5. Remember that you are an adult; you do not throw temper tantrums (or shoes). Respect the other person's decision; remember, it's cold comfort to always be right.

6. Everyone is entitled to one post breakup meltdown. Trash your bedroom. Go on a cleaning frenzy. Chop wood. Run. Do something physical to let that extra energy out (or bonkerdom will soon follow).

Right...that's the one monthly post from the person least qualified to dispense relationship advice. LimGal - I hand that particular baton back to you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like I'm doing so well in the relationship department!