Ah, I see our local politicans and our legislature are at it again.

A bill has been proposed to make abortion totally illegal in Georgia. You know...I have a HUGE issue with this and my stance can be summed up quite easily: the government should stay out of my personal business.

Here's the direct quote for you:

"State Rep. Martin Scott (R-Rossville) urged fellow House members to sign onto a resolution outlawing abortion in Georgia.

"All babies deserve and have a right to a birthday," Scott said."

Who elected this twerp? Where the heck is Rossville?

Another bill has been proposed, post Meredith, to allow residents to carry their handguns in state parks (with the proper permits, of course). This is common sense to me...I mean, I've never heard of a shoot out between the Crips and the Bloods over a lakeside picnic, have you? Of course I support the right to protect yourself. Some of our laws are incredibly silly (no booze on Sundays) and this falls into that category.

As the Legislative Lunacy continues, I'm sure I'll have more!

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