The Wilde Blye Yonder

Ah, the joys of air travel.

Hartsfield Jackson has the dubious distinction of being the world's busiest airport. One can certainly tell. With the loss of 100 plus uniforms and security badges, security was extra tight on Monday. It took me about forty five minutes to get through security, which was queued up back through the atrium in four separate lines. Of course, once I GOT to the screening thingie, my belt set it off.....

Got to the plane. Harbinger of bad things to come, much like LG the man seated in the middle seat refused to get up to let me get into my seat, forcing me to climb over him. He was, I think, masquerading as a superhero of some sort (the Antithesis of Mr. Emily Post!).

Instead, he turned out to be a man of the stealthy sort. He turned out to be Indeterminate Asain Farting Man. Ah, now, he was asleep most of the flight. He smelt of rotten cabbage. It actually burnt my nose hairs!!!!!!

Why me?


Limerick Gal said...

I feel your pain, my dear!

Here's hoping our return trips fare much better!

Timothy Carter said...

Yikes! I've been pretty lucky when it has come to the people I've sat with on planes. The farting and cabbage smell I can forgive, but not standing up to let you pass? Who does he think he is? I hope you 'accidentally' stepped on his crotch whilst climbing over him.