Recently on another blog, an discussion arose (albeit indirectly) about whether or not men are fundamentally more violent than women. A comment was made that a woman would never walk into a college campus and start shooting people. A number of people on the blog wondered why…so I gave it some thought….

Women don’t snap. Yes, we do. Instead of snapping in an alienated, I hate the whole freaking world way and walking around with a gun or a pipe bomb, women snap in quiet, more deadly ways. If a man loses his job, he might walk into his workplace and shoot his former boss. A woman who loses her job first internalizes the loss – why did this happen to me? What did I do to deserve this? – and then finds an external locus – maybe if my husband were more supportive I’d be able to give more at work. Maybe if the kids weren’t driving me freaking crazy I’d be able to get more done. Women don’t shoot – no, that’s not subtle enough for us – we poison, drown, smother. Rather than allow our anger to remain undirected and at the world at large…we focus on smaller, more intimate targets.

Examples of women who snapped: Susan Smith, Andrea Yates, Aileen Wournos, Atlanta’s Own Runaway Bride, Lizzie Borden, Susan Eubanks, Darlie Lynn Routier, Elizabeth Bathory, Mary Winkler. Honorable mentions also go to Mary Kay LaTourneau and Debra Lafave, and that other nutty lady here in GA who had sex with an underage boy and then had his baby in prison. If that’s not Jerry Springer material, I don’t know what is. So women kill or injure those they are closest to, and that’s how they snap. Of course that comes after the inner “I hate everything” dialog….

And while I’m on the subject….What adult woman looks at a twelve year old boy and thinks “this is my soul mate” or creepier still finds him sexually attractive? How out of your ever loving mind do you have to be to let a thirteen year old boy knock you up?????

Women are just as violent as men, it just manifests itself in different ways. Whereas a man that abuses his spouse and child might knock them around, a woman doing the same might poison her husband or put her kids hand on the lit stove. Point is, it's ALL violence, it's a question of whether or not it swims under the surface forever or eventually rises.

This sounded much more compelling in my head.

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