I've not a catchy title for tonight's post forthcoming, I'm afraid to say.

I'm sitting here screwing around with internet radio and wishing I had something unhealthy to eat. Like...dark chocolate m&ms or a milk shake from Steak and Shake. Mmmm....milkshake.

Jeez...no profound revelations, no scorching comment or witty banter. Bit of a dead weight tonight, eh?

Ah, I know! I'll fuck off onto the rest of the internet and see what the other poor bastards of the world are doing....and screw this ambient trance shit I just found on internet radio. Maybe I'll go listen to the World Arabic Rap Station...or...better yet....or the Polka Channel. Hey, I can listen to the soundtrack from some anime movie about a nurse! I've settled on UK Hard House Party. Now all I need are a few glow sticks, some illegal substances, and some baggy ass clothes.

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