Work: our holiday party, due to the layoffs, is postponed until the beginning of the year. The new party theme is "Employee Appreciation". What the fuck?

Weather: still no rain, but at least it's cooler.

House: Maddy ate the strap off my new shoe last night. Just the strap. Damn dog.

Traffic: If you have on your blinker, and there is a right hand turn lane, and you are turning right, kindly get out of my way. The mood I'm in this week, my little Jeep will happily perform a PIT manuever and shove your tiddling little import ass out of the way. Also, Alpharetta PD, I have a complaint!! The ramp at the end of Mansell is flooded daily during rush hour with soul less idiots who go to the end of the ramp in the left hand turn lanes, only to turn right (bypassing the thirty cars in line). Why is there NEVER a cop there? Yesterday, a Cadillac (I think) SUV did it, and a Mercedes did it RIGHT in front of me. I wanted to put my car in park and go ask them if they had any sense of courtesy or respect...although that might get me punched, so I thought the better of it. Seriously though...Alpharetta, you wanna make some money, get busy.

Local: lastly, my favorite soundbite out of the news today....Consumers Using Less Water will Still Have Higher Costs as Utilities Look to Offset Losses by Raising Rates. Greedy Bastards!

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