Letter my father has submitted to Newsweek...read on:

" I am sickened over this country’s use of waterboarding as an interrogation technique, and I am thoroughly disgusted over the Administration’s assertions that it is not torture. A person is tied to a board, blindfolded, and has a gag shoved deep into the mouth. Water is then poured onto the victim’s face, resulting in a feeling of drowning and dying. To say the least, this would cause feelings of severe mental distress. Persons subjected to waterboarding also experience lasting mental effects, real, extreme pain, lung and brain damage, broken bones, and even death. Face the facts, waterboarding IS torture. It has been used as a method of torture since the Spanish Inquisition. Its adherents include Japan and Germany during World War II, the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in the ‘60’s, and now, America.

I grew up during the Cold War when we faced the very real threat of total annihilation. The America I grew up in was not so afraid of its enemies that it had to torture them for information. Now, we are so ruled by fear and hatred that we allow and sanction our government to willingly violate international and United States laws, including the Constitution, in the name of safety. Now, we are so terrorized by our leaders and the press that we permit and even espouse the use of torture to obtain information that is dubious at best. Mr. Bush leers and asserts that America does not torture. But we do. And it is a crime against humanity for which America will answer one day. "


Anonymous said...

Then your father may want to read "Ghost Plane: The True Story of the CIA torture." It is a documentary about extraordinary rendition, the U.S.'role - where they take certain prisoners for interrogation, torture, etc. I went to see a talk (by the author) about extraordinary rendition, this is how I found out the book.

Anonymous said...

God bless your Dad. As an aside the Bush Gang were recently about to condemn the Burmese Govt for torturing the Bud monks; until they found out they were using "waterboarding". Now they feel unable to protest. Torture is wrong. It is an absolute.

Anonymous said...

We can speculate and point fingers and talk about how horrible it is that people are being tortured as though they are innocent victims, but they are not. They are not nice people and will offer you no quarter. These people that are being tortured would rather be cutting your heads off in front of your families and raping your women before going into a coffee shop full of innocent strangers and blowing up everyone in the name of Allah. When torture is in question, and the use of it will save American lives, I say "Red is positive and Black is negative, here is a bucket of water", torture away. While waterboarding may seem a horrific method of torture, there are much worse methods of extracting information out of a prisoner. Is it possible that an innocent person may get hurt in the process? Yes, of course, this is war. They are sawing the heads off of innocent American civilians and posting it on the internet. It is nice to think that torture is not necessary while we sit in our Lazy-boy chairs watching Jeopardy. Fact is, unless one is there with rifle in hand, none of us know a thing about what really happens during a war. We are simply not privy to that information; we only know what we are told. Torture is a necessary evil. As evil as it may seem it is just another means to obtain valuable information on our enemies to resolve conflict. The idea of oneself being tortured in any said manor is sometimes what makes one find that act so incredibly distasteful; as well it should for it is. It is cruel and unusual punishment and that is why it works. Yes, the thought of the actual act is frightening. Do you want some advice on how to keep yourselves from being waterboarded? Don't try to kill us and don't hang out with those that conspire to. God Bless America