Well, in the continued categories of stupid abuses of power....

A local area cop has tasered a fourteen year old girl whom he attempted to chastise for swearing while she was trick or treating. When he asked her to stop (reminding her that there were other, younger children nearby), she swore at him more (as one does when young and stupid). He touched her in an effort to get her to stop, and she tried to punch him. A fourteen year old girl trying to punch a grown man! Not only does the kid end up in handcuffs, but she ends up being tasered!!!



A grown man has to taser a child? Was this child 200 lbs? Were this child's friends helping gang up on this poor off duty cop?

You know, it's rude to swear in front of other people's children but not, to my knowledge, illegal (although it might violate some old obscenity clause). So...had the cop minded his own business and left the girl alone.

Poor judgement all around!


Anonymous said...

Cops are using tasers as their own method of punishment; outside of the court system. It is widespread.

Anonymous said...

That is a rather general statement to make Anonymous. I guess you must work in the Law Enforcement industry to have obtained such data? Perhaps you have just been fed this from the liberal media? You hear two or three cases of someone being tasered and suddenly all cops are bundled into one evil group of taser happy freaks? Cops are people too. You have the good and the bad, the intelligent and the idiotic. There are NOT a lot of cops using tasers as their own form of punishment. Take the number of times you have heard about someone being tasered when it was ruled "inappropriate" to do so and divide it into the number of officers currently working to protect YOU across the United States. By the way, the old method of less-lethal force used was beating you with a very hard piece of wood known as a billy club. Take your pick. Stop means stop. These men and women out there potentially risk their lives everyday that they put on that uniform. Quite often they may fear for their lives. When you hear the words “lay face down and put your hands behind your head”, I would suggest that you do it. In the case of the trick-or-treat girl and the “don’t taser me, man” guy, those cops should not have jobs and should be held accountable in some manner. Although, the little girls parents said that she deserved it! Perhaps she did, but the handcuffs were enough.