Pumpkin's Dad - Arrested in Atlanta!!!

Remember hearing the story of a young three year old girl found abandoned in a train station in Australia? It turned out her mother had been murdered and left in the trunk of her car, and she'd been left in the train station by her father.

Chinese papers had carried the story, and a paper delivered here in Atlanta carried the story. Some folks here in our Chinese community saw it, and realized that they had met and knew the murderer. They set him up, trapped him, captured him, and turned him over to police.

Here he is (courtesy of the AJC):

The six people who conspired to capture this heartless criminal received a reward from the government of New Zealand of $10,000. Ignoring their own poverty (and they are QUITE poor), they all agreed to send $2,000 to an elderly and indigent friend in their homeland, while the remaining $8,000 they have returned to a little parentless girl named Pumpkin.

Restoring your faith in humanity, one tiny blog post at a time.

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