Moral Outrage

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What is the World Coming To?

A local seventeen year old boy shoots his mother (a local deputy), his 11 year old sister, and his four year old sister.

How can you do that? How can you shoot members of your own family?

Really, how can you shoot a four year old, regardless of relation?

What the holy frigging hell is WRONG with people?

I do not care if this boy is still, in the eyes of the law, a child or not. He needs to go to prison for life. He never needs to go to the mall, drive a car, vote, watch tv, surf the internet, go for a walk, date a girl, get married, have children, own a house, have a job, or have grandchildren.


Anonymous said...

Sure lock him up with the rest andthrow away the key. No problem with that. I refer you to (your)yesterday's posting. But, it isn't "The World". It's parts of the world where it is easier to pick up a gun than a book that's the real problem.

Anonymous said...

MRM......LOL!! Are we speaking of th U.S.? join the darkside luke....