I got the new Spiegel catalog today, and I've gotta say one thing:

The clothes in here look like something Celine Dion designed to wear around the pool while lounging with your weird ass husband and child.


Other smattery commentary:

Very shameful that Blue Cross was encouraging their plan participant doctors to immediately notify the carrier when someone presented with a pre existing condition that they didn't disclose. WTF? Another way for greedy bastards to screw you - making sure they can deny health care coverage to you on a whim based on a condition that may or may not be pre-existing. It's only pre existing anyway if you know you don't have it...so, screw them.

Another heartfelt fuck you to our friend Mr. Hilton, who negotiated with authorities for the safe passage of his dog before confessing to Ms. Emerson's killing and leading them to her body. So...you want to make sure your dog doesn't get gassed, but you have no remorse for the people you killed.

Other stuff:

It's a well known fact that men who perform "choreplay" get more. When people have time to relax, they start to think about nookie....even quiet time is good!

The yammering of the right wing pundits is going to drive voter's away from McCain and toward other candidates. The more they endorse Huckabee, and disparage McCain...well, I think folks that don't care for Huckabee will start seriously thinking about another candidate. Perhaps. Does it matter?

Yes, Virginia, I'm not tax rebate eligible, but you are! In fact, let me write you a check for a few hundred bucks right now and skip the middleman. I like this bit of socialism disguised as economic stimulus.

Terror trials: You have basic rights as a human being. One of those rights enables you to due process under law. Just because you aren't a citizen of this particular country doesn't mean you should be deprived of your basic human rights.

The world's cutest beagle wins a dog show - finally. Woof Woof! (from Maddy and Zoe).

I'm sure I'll think of more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

corgie dogs think the beagle is great. they told me so, and they said that what is up with dogs who need a hair stylist?