Who greenlight's scripts in Hollywood these days? Did someone think these are really a good idea?

First, let's start with the obvious - "Snakes on a Plane". First, you know you are hitting the bottom of your career (or alternately are richer than Croesus and don't give a fiddlers) if you are doing movies about evil, larger than life snakes on a plane. Better than that, the description on HBO says "An assassin releases a swarm of deadly serpents aboard an airline to kill an important witness".

I'm being told it's worse, if that is possible, than Anaconda. Definitely worse.

Next: an animated film about a dog that can't get no respect in Vegas. Guess who does the voice of the dog?

No wonder the writers strike is still ongoing. Who wants to pay them to turn out shit?

Zoe is trying to kill me. Did she eat a dead squirrel? Ugh.

1 comment:

Princess of the Universe said...

If you go to S.O.A.P with the right attitude it's kind of cheesy funny.
It's not like anyone was walking into that film expecting Citizen Kane or anything. :P