Been reading the local rag again, and I just have one teeny tiny comment:

Stop playing the "race card".

It's getting old.

Seriously, every time I hear someone say "it's because I'm black" or "it's because I'm hispanic/chinese/pig/goat/monkey/ox" I'm going to scream.

By using that as an excuse every time something happens to go wrong, you make me think that you ARE actually a lesser form of human being. I don't walk around saying "oh, you hate me because I'm a girl" - I am a girl, yeah, and someone might hate me, but making a deliberate choice to link the two implies that anyone who happens to be a girl has this issue. WTF is that all about?

Last time I checked, we were all people. Made the same way, and yadda yadda. If you want to embrace your differences, fine...but what used to be a battle cry for equality and injustice now sounds like one large whining excuse.

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