Oh yeah, I got one more for you:

What a great family man Obama is! He has all this wealth, this abundance of prosperity....

And yet he has family languishing in poverty half the world away.


If the parties are going to insist on peddling the wholesome image thing instead of someone's actual qualifications....


Anonymous said...

Where is Mr. Socialist when his family needs him? Read the news, his half-brother is living on $1.00 a month!


Take some fucking change out of your pocket and give it to your own flesh and blood ASSHOLE! He lives off of three times less than your daily Latte costs for a month! You want to talk about change?
How about Muslim to Radical to whatever the fuck you are now...

You still refer to yourself by your muslim name

You had your kids baptized in Reverend Wrights church of hatred and blasphemy.
Went there for twenty years and only distance yourself when it hits the public eye..

Shame on you Obama and the mindless sheep that follow your side show and swallow the shit you feed them with a smile... Biden should sell cars.

Anonymous said...

And now, you have become part of the problem. As illustrated by the "hate response." Well, we get the government we deserve I suppose.

Eliza Doolittle said...

What hate response? Who became part of what problem? I never planned to vote for Obama; I just like to point out how presidential candidates, the media, and everyone else likes to be hypocritical (McCain met his current wife when certain parties will still married to other people; I don't hold that against them, but he doesn't walk around talking about what a great moral man he is, either).

Anonymous said...

"What hate response?"

Try reading m.e's comment. You published it.

"But he doesn't walk around talking about what a great moral man he is, either."

Every comment McCain makes on any subject includes "P.O.W".

Eliza Doolittle said...

What does being a prisoner of war have to do with being a moral man? I merely point out that saying you are a great FAMILY man while leaving your brother to starve seems rather contradictory. I would find it just as hypocritical if McCain stood up and said "I'm a great family man" knowing how he met his present wife.

I think Obama's a nice guy, don't get me wrong. I'm not here to slam him. I just don't think he's the right man to lead the U.S. I'm not sure McCain is either...but if my only two choices are McCain and Obama, I'm taking the devil I know versus the devil I don't.

And again, what's up with the profanity? Whenever I see people leaving that in comments, as the owner of the blog, I think that is directed at me personally.....

Anonymous said...



Not hate... The facts, nothing more.. Sorry if the truth hurts. If you do not believe what I wrote, look it up on the internet. It is painfully obvious that you have access, try using it for something other than posting your ill-educated opinion.

Welcome to reality. Don't vote for candidates because you think they are cute or charismatic. No matter what anyone promises you in politics, they can NEVER guarantee them. There are checks and balances in place to ensure that no one person has that power. Don't believe the hype, ever... regardless of party. My problem with people like Obama, and most other liberals, is that they are socialists. This is not a socialist republic. Socialism equals slavery, wake up.

I don't want to vote for McCain, and I am sure that you can guess by now that I am a Republican. He is my only option, I wanted Huckabee. As much as I disagree with some of McCain's policies, I think that he might do okay.
Eliza is right, McCain is the only logical choice to defend our country.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Vote for F7 in Word, It's spellcheck :)