Ah, the weekend.

After dropping of MidSis and Brooklyn Jo, who must have been glad to escape the bedlam and extremely oppressive heat of Hotlanta in the summertime and run home, even if they had a few hours delay in the airport due to some freaky rain storm that only slammed half the city (my house, for example, had no rain), we headed to the BuckARama. Your typical hunting show. Elk meat was consumed. Some money was spent - I got a new pair of lightweight pants for the start of season, thanks for asking. But it wasn't as good as last year.

Braves game today was hot enough to fry an egg. Even the hecklers gave it up and collapsed in exhaustion by the third inning. I think my brain is fried now from the sun. Getting two and from the game, trying to bypass the utter madness that is the DOT's current plan to repave the only thoroughfare through downtown and my only route to the stadium, was in and of itself an adventure. I only magically sunburnt my shoulders. I'm quite happy to be home and in my bed, even though it's late at night and I haven't even started my homework.

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