Karl Rove: shame on you, sir. Refusing a subpoena? Who do you think you are? You are not above the laws of this land. Go stand in the corner, and put that dunce cap right on. You certainly do have the right to an attorney, and perhaps it's time you ask one what the penalties are for contempt charges. Or will this be another case of the politically elite escaping punishment for thumbing a nose at American jurisprudence?

Christie Brinkley: thankfully, you decided just to buy that turkey off and be done with it (apologies to the children). Do you ever look at pictures of yourself before your post office discovery and wonder what your life would have been like, if you'd have had all these troubles (four husbands) if your face and body hadn't made you famous and fortunate? Still, I can't help but pity you. It just goes to show that nothing can really buy you love. I hope you at least hit him once where it hurts before you kicked him out. I can't imagine being told your husband was cheating on you (read: one of the most beautiful, elegant, succesful, wealthy women in the world) with an eighteen year old....by the girl's stepfather. The indignity.

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