So the Pope wants to talk about atrocities committed against Indians and Blacks by the white people who settled and founded America two hundred plus years ago. Last time I checked, all those Indians and Blacks against whom those atrocities were committed are dead. Not just slightly dead. Really, really dead. Like so dead you might have to carbon date their bones.

And yet he rather casually brushes off, and refuses to meet with, the victims that priests of his church raped. People whose lives were never the same. Children whose parents trusted a man of god with their child, only to have the man of god violate every law under the sun and molest those children.

Shame on you, Benedict! But it's the way of the Catholic Church to deny your own sins and attack the sins of others (don't you have a bit of Nazi in your history anyway?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Genocide, slavery and widespread sexual abuse of children. Nothing good there, that's for sure. When Herr Pope was the last pope's troubleshooter he sent out a letter to all the bishops pretty much telling them to ignore complaints untill hopefully the statute of limitations ran out on each case. Yes, he was in the Hitler Youth, but to be fair, that was the way it was.