Oh, I know, we've talked about this before, but why are farts so funny?

I'm sitting in the massage chair last night having a pleasant conversation with Mr. Manners, Maddy to my left and Zoe off somewhere to my right, when a sudden, noxious odor manages to confirm for me quite definitely that I am downwind of the business end of the dog, and that I should really stop letting them have the "special" treats that resemble sausages.

I guess my horrified laughter (and the fact that I was trying to cover up my entire head with my sweater) gave it away. The cloud quickly settled on Mr. Manners, who frantically began to fan the air and make fun of Maddy, who lifted her sweet little blond head and gave us a bemused "who me?" look before settling down to go back to sleep.

Now, I know dogs can smell. They smell food. They definitely smell dead things. Zoe has been known to "excuse herself" from the room, and wrinkle her nose at her own smell (although she does look around the room to see if she can blame it on anyone else, clever little minx, before she slinks off into another room). Do they not smell their own farts?

Anyway...this set me off on a random tangent. If my immediate reaction to a horrid dog fart is to laugh...if I was exposed to a deadly gas, does that mean I would die by laughing to death?

Death by dog fart?

How horrid.

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