Women In History

I started thinking about women's obsessions with their bodies, and as I thought it occurred to me that what we desire to be today has never, ever existed throughout all our history. No one had no grey hair, or stray facial hairs, or straight/complete teeth, or painted finger/toe nails, or mommy jobs, or wore jeans with spandex, or Spanx, or possibly eyebrow rings, and certainly not magenta hair, or a body full of tattoos (in the Western world, anyway), or totter around on three inch titanium heels, or whitenened teeth, or lasered hair, or permanent makeup, or anything that we so strive for today ever really even existed.

So...in a tribute to all women everywhere, who are beautiful in all their shapes, I give you women from history, from the lens of art. And if I'm committing some kind of copyright violation, all these artists are well past moldering...so I think you should be happy they continue to get exposure!


Velasquez, Woman Making Eggs


Hopper, Chop Suey

Gauguin, Moon and Earth Vermeer, The Lacemaker

Picasso, Women of Avignon

Sargent, Madame X (this is a favorite, I love her elegance)

Velasquez, Meninas

Klimt, called, I think, The Women

Mary Cassat, Toilette

Frida Kahlo, self portrait


O'Keefe, Iris (a small joke here, which I think you'll get if you don't think of flowers)

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