Words O Wisdom





Ever wonder why the worst words you can call someone are all related somehow to being a woman, and are all sexual slurs?

You'll note there are no equivalents that can be directed at men. Calling someone a bastard or an asshole or a cocksucker just doesn't have the same ring.

Ah, two thousand years of women being valued only for their role as sexual and reproductive objects have left us with SUCH a rich vocabulary.


Limerick Gal said...

Well, there's always my personal favorite.........needle-dicked-bug-fucker :)

Followed by my curse "may your left testicle wither and drop off"

Eliza Doolittle said...

I like your "get your dick handling hands off my cider" personally....

But it doesn't have the same derogatory ring....

Limerick Gal said...

I stole that one from my brother in law and made it my own! He used to tell his dog to get "her dick handling nose off the window"

Eliza Doolittle said...

How does a dog have a dick handling nose? Always wondered about that one.