I don't like China, but they have this nifty concept called "The Execution Bus" and when you've been a very naughty boy indeed, the bus rolls up to your corporation's front door, and you are expected to step inside, and you leave in a body bag. China uses it to get rid of corporations who do things like, oh, kill babies by selling tainted milk, or dog food, or toys with lead, or other immoral and irresponsible acts brought about by greed and profit chasing.

I can see The Execution Bus rolling down Wall Street now.....


Anonymous said...

Then on to Penn Ave? Also, have you seen the cartoon in today's AJC ?

Eliza Doolittle said...

No...have not...but it's sitting right here so will get to it posthaste...

Anonymous said...

Let that bus roll on up on Wall street, honey! I'll bring my camera. oo, that's not very nice. I take it back. :)