Sell By Date

Do relationships have a sell by date?

Do you, dear readers, have a timeline in your mind that says if you haven't crossed a certain milestone by a certain time, it's time to get out of the relationship? I don't mean the silly ones, like if someone hasn't held your hand by the fourth date (or whatever), I mean the big ones. Like...if you've been dating happily for two years, do you live together? Buy a house? Share silverware? Use the same tube of toothpaste? Do you get engaged? How long do you stay engaged before getting married? You know, timelines (I can't help it, I'm a reformed project manager).

I know that the trend in European countries is to NOT get married, but to cohabitate and have a family without making it official. I met a number of couples who had been living together for ten or fifteen years, and had children, and who were quite happy unwed. I wonder why they are so comfortable without the ring/paper when we are not? Social pressure? Any ideas?

Why do we as a culture fish and cut bait? Is this purely a female trend? Do men do this as well?

I mean, I'm getting old (er) and am well aware that I am running out of time to be farting around. The timeline I had for myself in my twenties: married at twenty seven, first child at thirty, second child at thirty three....well, we all know how that worked out. I hit the first one all right...so now I have to reevaluate. Do I have a sell by date? I wonder....


Anonymous said...

Dear Lord I hope there isn't a deadline!! Every relationship is unique and you have to feel it out. (Inherent project manager or not!) Maybe the marriage thing is an American thing - could say so based on some of my European friends, but in reality? - it's a personal choice. I truly think the key is believing in your relationship. Some take longer to know whether they're 'right'. But when you know, you know - one way or the other.

A sell by date? I say that's quite RUBBISH!!

Eliza Doolittle said...

But what does it say about you if you don't (or in my case) never knew? Do you chalk that up to ambivalence? Jitters? Youth? Do you really "know"? that's like...the one...is there such a thing as "the one" or are there many possibilities?